Online Publication 'Afloat'
'Afloat' by Natasha Rodriguez-Hunter, Sarah Camilleri and Tami Tran
Afloat aims to raise awareness for the progressively increasing toll we as humankind are having on our environment, especially the detrimental effects of climate change on our waterways. The acceleration of climate change is conceptually expressed through a series of six original poems by various authors. Instead of traditional media, Afloat considers the conscious selection of poems, each communicating an environmental decline or impact. The publication’s purpose is to provide a platform to educate and inform readers, through the immersive experience of conceptual poetry. With young adults in mind, the publication takes a thoughtful approach to evoke emotions and encourage change. This is achieved through minimal yet visually engaging illustrations and mark making. The simplistic style is engaging to highlight the increasing issue of global warming. The motifs of water and icebergs are depicted throughout the publication, visually depicting the significance of sea level rise.
Conceptually ‘Afloat’ refers to the materialistic ideals and mass-consumption practices of our society are currently being kept afloat, yet as our environment declines our actions are accruing a debt for generations to come.